
thanks friends s’ps

I apologize for our lack of consideration caused four experimental matieres french Arabic and Islamic history and geography after I take a little rest I would like to thank our friends at St. Paul school who sent letter chokola books and video


Regret for the failure to respond to you these days
We are onto the edge of the common pilot


c’est le henne marocain
c’est joli!!!

Ceremony of marriage in Morocco

Ceremony of marriage in Morocco

Today I:

Is devoted to the bath as the bride and her friends and its neighbors to the traditional Moroccan bath, after the bride had to be booked specially the bathroom is traditional from them. And clean the bathroom and the launch of different types of incense and perfume it. And to this day very privacy of all women to go where the bride’s family to the bathroom

And the second day:

Is devoted to Henna. Henna is one of the original rituals of the Moroccan wedding, it is impossible to give up the habit because the Moroccans lhena optimistic and they consider the source of optimism to the lives of the bride. Popular belief says that giving up the habit is a bad omen for the bride’s marital life!

And the girls attending single inscription on the rotation of the henna « anakacha » which is Engraving
Their hands or fingers at least some of the « Omen good » to them the coming of the bridegroom.

Finally, and today there are three:

Which is the most important day of the wedding of Morocco offers the bride to enter her husband. On this day, is bringing « angafa » is a woman responsible for performing and the bride’s dress  »angafa » Moroccan key factor for the success of the wedding ceremony

 »angafa » keen to wear the bride’s wedding more than the traditional dress is different and some parts of Morocco and the northern Cloth of Fez and Amazigh and Moroccan ‘Alakaftan’ different types of clothes in addition to uniforms and other uniforms, such as the Gulf ,the Indian and Tunisian for example, but the last dress is the white color and is kind of a European .

The cost  »angafa » after every change of dress for the bride to choose the appropriate accessories, it would
Moroccan wedding fashion show, which exhausts the already integrated the bride! And usually accompanied by the show this very diverse range of musical music that fit the bride and dress, and playing a mix of Eastern and Moroccan songs in addition to folklore. Also do not forget the existence for a »dkaykiya » and the revitalization of the wedding that are in an extraordinary manner through the songs of humor and a soul which is the guardian of the wedding


about me

my name is hanane .Im 17years old.I was boren in first of januray in 1992 in marrakech I have been stadiying in M.B.N high school for 2 years .Im in first bac .My father is a dead and my mother is a house wife I love her very much, and she is my best friend. together with my 3 brother we live in the same house is the neighbourhood of S.Y.B.A. I like all the school subjects but my favourite ones are math and science .that is why a doctor in the futur .in my free time I like cooking with my mother I am good at cooking more than my mother and im like listning the indien musuc .I am crazy about swimming this is my brother who learn it in the swimming pool. In my free time, I read Arabic story “I like it “.

La Vallée de l’Ourika

A 35 km de la ville ocre Marrakech, une verdoyante vallée s’étend : la vallée de l’Ourika. Au nom de la rivière Ourika qui descend du haute Atlas. La vallée de l’ourika continue à sauvegarder son originalité malgré sa proximité de la ville impériale Marrakech.

Tout au long de la route, on découvre des villages berbères fondus dans la montagne. On peut saisir l’occasion pour déguster les savoureux tagines qui sont cuits sur le charbon de bois pendant des heures. Aussi, on peut assister à une des activités économiques de la région : le souk. Tous les lundis, les paysans de la région se donnent rendez-vous au Souk pour d’une part vendre leurs récoltes et d’autre part, s’approvisionner de tous ce qui est nécessaire pour la semaine et de s’informer sur les dernières nouvelles de la région.

Aussi, n’hésitez pas à visiter le site d’Agmat situé au kilomètre 28. Ville préislamique, où le célèbre poète andalou Bnou al Abad Mou’tamid du XII siècle est enterré.

Au kilomètre 62, on arrive à la zawiya de Setti fatma et sept cascades. C’est la fin de la montée vers les sommets de l’Atlas. A partir du village de Setti Fatma, les randonnées commencent pour découvrir les merveilles de la vallée de l’ourika. Des guides locaux peuvent vous accompagner lors de vos excursions. On peut négocier le prix avec eux. Et selon vos capacités, vous avez le choix entre une randonnées de deux heures pour découvrir les fameuses cascades de Setti fatma ou l’ascension du mont Toubkal, qui culmine à une altitude 4165 m. Sinon, admirer le paysage et la vue sur le massif de l’Yaghour.

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